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Housing Program – Residential and Property Services

Moonlight Avenue Home is an 8-bedroom home that provides permanent housing in a cooperative living environment, where there is shared responsibility of managing the household. The Residential Support Team also provides 12 hours of support per day, including peer outreach, skill-building and case management.

Victoria Street Place is a 7-bedroom home that provides transitional housing for up to one year. The Residential Support Team provides 8 hours of support per day. There are opportunities to link individuals to community resources and to receive assistance in securing housing.

Fairview Apartment Complex is an independent living program that has 24 subsidized one-bedroom apartments with supports available to tenants as needed.

Community Homes for OpportunityCommunity Homes for Opportunity (CHO) provides tenants who have a serious mental illness with a recovery oriented supportive housing environment. It offers 24/7 support services to maintain housing stability. There is one 12-bed CHO home in the Greater Sudbury area supporting residents 18 years of age and older.

CHO is a modernization of the Homes for Special Care (HSC) program and is based on a recovery model which focuses on a holistic, person-centred approach to mental health care. By encouraging increased responsibility in a home environment, tenants are empowered to actively participate in their own planning and decision-making. CHO offers opportunities for tenants to enhance the quality of their daily living, their personal growth and development, and to improve life skills through participation in a variety of activities and programs. Tenants are provided access to support services both in the CHO home and in the community. Structured programs, that offer activities designed to build a variety of skills and increase opportunity for social connection, can be accessed through community-based agencies. 

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