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As an organization, CMHA-S/M has taken much care and consideration in adjusting our service delivery model to operate some programming through phone, email or other virtual means. Through this entire process, the integrity of our services, as well as the safety of our staff, individuals and the community have been our top priority.

Over the past few weeks, we have been busy developing policies and procedures, obtaining additional protective equipment, as well as creating the appropriate return to work framework to begin delivering in-person services, as they are appropriate, safe and manageable for our staff, individuals and community.

We are pleased to announce that effective Monday, September 21, 2020, CMHA-S/M will begin seeing individuals for inperson services at our main office located at 111 Elm Street, Sudbury. Telephone, email or other virtual means of communication will continue to be offered.

Starting Monday, September 21:

For more information, call us at 705-675-7252 or email We are open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm. More information on our programs and services can be found on our website:

My needs

What do I do?

I am in crisis, or I need help and I am not currently connected to CMHA servicesCall 705-675-4760 (Crisis Intervention Unit)
I need help, but I am not in crisisIf you have a CMHA Staff contact, please contact them at their extension or call CMHA reception at 705-675-7252.
Scheduled appointmentsIf you have a CMHA Staff contact, please contact them at their extension or call CMHA reception at 705-675-7252.
Emergency Shelter Off the Street Emergency Shelter continues to provide services at Canada’s Best Value Inn 1500 Regent Street with additional infection prevention measures put in place.
Meetings, Groups and TrainingsWe will be re-introducing groups activities with a limited number of participants and increased safety guidelines
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