Justice Program
Aug 1, 2017
Justice Program supports individuals with mental health and/or addiction concerns involved in the criminal justice system. The program provides a wide range of services for both adults and youth, including court navigation, connections to mental health supports, and essential community services. After eligibility screening, individuals are paired with a Justice Case Manager who assists with personal goals, care planning, and collaborates on strategies to support recovery and reduce recidivism. Referrals to all programs can come from legal counsel, family members, friends, community organizations, police etc.
Mental Health Court Outreach is a service that provides support to individuals who are involved in the court system, collaborating with legal counsel, family members and assist with bail release planning, court support, mental health diversion screening, as well as facilitate securing beds for forensic assessments.
Release from Custody is a service that provides Case Management services to individuals who are incarcerated by assisting with release from custody planning, prior to their release and up to three months after their release. The service assists individuals with accessing community resources to meet their basic needs, including mental health, substance misuse, medical care, financial and housing.
Mental Health Diversion is a service that provides support to individuals who have been charged with minor offences, where mental health has been determined to be a factor in the offence. The purpose of the service is to assist individuals, providing Case Management services such as referrals, advocacy and education, to assist in the recovery. Upon successful completion of the mental health diversion, individuals’ charges can be withdrawn and not appear on their criminal record.
Youth Mental Health Court Outreach is a service that provides support to youth aged 12 to 17 years of age, who are involved in the court system, by providing court support, mental health diversions, advocacy and education etc. Community education regarding youth mental health is provided, as requested.
For inquires related to our Justice Program, please contact